Results for 'J. Ortega Martín'

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  1. Europa desde las raíces cristianas. Aportación de Juan Pablo II.J. Ortega Martín - 2002 - Verdad y Vida 60 (233):65-96.
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    Comprender e Interpretar. La recepción de la hermenéutica en la España democrática, por J.M. Gómez-Heras y M. Martín Gómez, coords. [REVIEW]César Ortega Esquembre - 2016 - Quaderns de Filosofia 3 (2):179-188.
    Reseña del llibro Comprender e Interpretar. La recepción de la hermenéutica en la España democrática, coordinado por J.M. Gómez-Heras y M. Martín Gómez.
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    Ortega: La estructura ausente de una filosofía invertebrada.J. M. Atencia - 2001 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 34:101-142.
    El presente trabajo resume y comenta algunas de las aportaciones que nos han parecido más relevantes realizadas en los últimos años en torno a la obra filosófica de J. Ortega y Gasset. Desde la aparición del libro de P. Cerezo Galán La voluntad de aventura en 1983, el interés por el problema de Ortega ha experimentado un auge muy significativo y creciente en España, del que son muestra los estudios de Javier San Martín, Mª Carmen Paredes, Fco (...)
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  4. Paredes Martín, Ma Del C . - Ortega Y Gasset. Pensamiento Y Conciencia De Crisis. Salamanca, Universidad De Salamanca, 1994,188 P. [REVIEW]J. Lourenço - 1995 - Revista Filosófica de Coimbra 4 (8):457-459.
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  5. La razón vital de J. Ortega y Gasset y la analítica existencial de M. Heidegger / J. Ortega y Gasset's Vital Reason and M. Heidegger's Existential Analytic.Francesco De Nigris - 2012 - Ideas Y Valores 61 (148):115-129.
    En los reproches que José Ortega y Gasset le hace a Martin Heidegger sobre el problema del ser, al afirmar que este no puede ser un ciego punto de partida, una creencia, se evidencia la distancia entre dos perspectivas unidas por el horizonte real que pretenden explorar: la vida humana. Sin embargo,..
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    Teaching methodologies in times of pandemic.Santiago Felipe Torres Aza, Gloria Isabel Monzón Álvarez, Gianny Carol Ortega Paredes & José Manuel Calizaya López - 2021 - Minerva 2 (4):5-10.
    The current times call for reforms in educational processes. The Covid-19 pandemic had an unforeseen impact on the educational system in all countries. This need for change requires new pedagogies and new methods for teaching and learning. Understanding the need for change is essential for the formulation of adaptive proposals, as well as for the generation of training activities to complement the teaching curriculum. New educational practices lead to a vision of educational quality, with new approaches that allow the continuous (...)
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    Recuperar a Vitoria.Martín C. Ortega - 1997 - Isegoría 16:163-170.
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    coloquio de Sevilla. Lo que sobre Don Juan me dijo Ortega una tarde de paseo (o no).María J. Ortega Máñez - 2020 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 92:53-70.
    El diálogo que aquí se transcribe discurre por Sevilla y el pensamiento de Ortega y Gasset. Se va hablando de la razón topográfica, de cosmopolitismo y de Don Juan, figura objeto de una reflexión filosófica que imita los métodos de dos escuelas antiguas: el diálogo socrático y el paseo peripatético. Partiendo del parque de María Luisa, la conversación recorre el centro de la capital hispalense hasta el barrio de la Macarena, sigue el curso del Guadalquivir, recala en Casa Robles (...)
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  9. Performance of research ethics committees in Spain. A prospective study of 100 applications for clinical trial protocols on medicines.R. Dal-Re, J. Espada & R. Ortega - 1999 - Journal of Medical Ethics 25 (3):268-273.
    OBJECTIVES: To review the characteristics and performance of research ethics committees in Spain in the evaluation of multicentre clinical trial drug protocols. DESIGN: A prospective study of 100 applications. SETTING: Forty-one committees reviewing clinical trial protocols, involving 50 hospitals in 25 cities. MAIN MEASURES: Protocol-related features, characteristics of research ethics committees and evaluation dynamics. RESULTS: The 100 applications involved 15 protocols (of which 12 were multinational) with 12 drugs. Committees met monthly (except one). They had a mean number of 12 (...)
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    Contextual factors in the generation of express and regular saccades.Martin J.üttner - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (4):689-689.
    Experiments using a modified gap paradigm, where regular trials are intermingled with catch trials, demonstrate that the relative frequency of express versus regular saccades distinctly depends on catch trial frequency. More specifically, it has been shown that the probability of an express saccade depends stochastically on the type of the preceding trial, that is, on the sequence of stimuli. We discuss whether such contextual effects can be accommodated within the framework of Findlay & Walker's model.
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    Ideality in Theatre. Or a reverse evolution of mimesis from Plato to Diderot.María J. Ortega Máñez - 2017 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 10 (1):107-116.
    This paper deals with a development of the ancient thought on mimesis in its modern reception as regards a certain idea of theatre. It defends the hypothesis that the figure of the character, as set up in Diderot’s Paradoxe sur le comédien, has its source in a curious reversal of the Platonic mimesis. After presenting the main tenets of Plato’s reflection on mimesis and of Diderot’s theory on character, showing their convergences and contrasts, it is analyzed how such a conceptual (...)
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    Bullying and Cyberbullying in Minorities: Are They More Vulnerable than the Majority Group?Vicente J. Llorent, Rosario Ortega-Ruiz & Izabela Zych - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
  13. Heidegger, Through Phenemenology to Thought.William J. Richardson & Martin Heidegger - 1963 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 70 (1):120-122.
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    Legitimizing policies: How policy approaches to irregular migrants are formulated and legitimized in Scandinavia.Martin Bak Jørgensen - 2012 - Etikk I Praksis - Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics 2 (2):46-63.
    The focus of this article is on representations of irregular migration in a Scandinavian context and how irregular migrants are constructed as a target group. A common feature in many European states is the difficult attempt to navigate between an urge for control and respecting, upholding and promoting humanitarian aspects of migration management. Legitimizing policies therefore become extremely important as governments have to appease national voters to remain in power and have to respect European regulations and international conventions. Doing so (...)
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  15. Theories of the Flesh: Latinx and Latin American Feminisms, Transformation, and Resistance.Andrea J. Pitts, Mariana Ortega & José Medina (eds.) - 2020 - Oxford University Press.
    This volume brings together many prominent philosophical voices today focusing on issues of U. S. Latinx and Latin American identities and feminist theory. As such, the essays collected here highlight the varied and multidimensional aspects of gender, racial, cultural, and sexual questions impacting U.S. Latinx and Latin American communities today. The collection also highlights a number of important threads of analysis from fields as diverse as disability studies,aesthetics, literary theory, and pop culture studies.
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  16. Methodological problems in evolutionary biology IV. stress and stress tolerance, an excercise in definitions.Wim J. Steen & Martin Scholten - 1985 - Acta Biotheoretica 34 (1).
    Grime (1979) in a recently developed theory distinguished three basic plant strategies: stress tolerance,ruderality and competition. He relates them to environments characterized in terms of stress and disturbance. Classifications of strategies and environments both are ultimately defined in terms of production. This tends to make the theory tautological. If the theory is to make sense, environments had better be defined in independent terms.
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  17. Kinds of Learning and the Likelihood of Future True Beliefs: Reply to Jäger on Reliabilism and the Value Problem.Erik J. Olsson & Martin Jönsson - 2011 - Theoria 77 (3):214-222.
    We reply to Christoph Jäger's criticism of the conditional probability solution (CPS) to the value problem for reliabilism due to Goldman and Olsson (2009). We argue that while Jäger raises some legitimate concerns about the compatibility of CPS with externalist epistemology, his objections do not in the end reduce the plausibility of that solution.
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    The history and conceptual framework of assays and screens.Christopher J. Giacoletto & Martin R. Schiller - 2023 - Bioessays 45 (4):2200191.
    Since the 16th century, assays and screens have been essential for scientific investigation. However, most methods could be significantly improved, especially in accuracy, scalability, and often lack adequate comparisons to negative controls. There is a lack of consistency in distinguishing assays, in which accuracy is the main goal, from screens, in which scalability is prioritized over accuracy. We dissected and modernized the original definitions of assays and screens based upon recent developments and the conceptual framework of the original definitions. All (...)
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    T. Lucreti Cari De Rerum Natura Libri Sex.J. P. Elder & J. Martin - 1956 - American Journal of Philology 77 (2):191.
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    Human hunger as a memory process.Richard J. Stevenson, Martin R. Yeomans & Heather M. Francis - 2024 - Psychological Review 131 (1):174-193.
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    A common framework for language comprehension and language production?Robert J. Hartsuiker & Martin J. Pickering - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (5):887-888.
    Natural language processing involves a tight coupling between action (the production of language) and perception (the comprehension of language). We argue that similar theoretical principles apply to language processing as to action/perception in general. Language production is not driven solely by the speaker's intentions; language comprehension is not only input-driven; production and perception use common representations. We will relate recent findings from our language production lab to the Theory of Event Coding (TEC)'s principle of feature binding.
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    Ethical Approaches to Lifestyle Campaigns.William J. Brown & Martine P. A. Bouman - 2010 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 25 (1):34-52.
    The growing interest in lifestyle campaigns as a means to promote public health has increased steadily during the past several decades. Governments, national health organizations, NGOs, and wealthy donors are collaborating with media professionals and academic scholars to address the pressing health issues of the 21st century. To counter the potential negative influences of hundreds of lifestyle advertising messages that media consumers are exposed to on a daily basis, health communication professionals are designing more sophisticated campaigns that blend beneficial health (...)
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    Meeting of the association for symbolic logic.J. A. Robinson & N. M. Martin - 1967 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 32 (3):430.
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    Improvement of Inter-Professional Collaborative Work Abilities in Mexican Medical and Nursing Students: A Longitudinal Study.Guillermo J. Tuirán-Gutiérrez, Montserrat San-Martín, Roberto Delgado-Bolton, Blanca Bartolomé & Luis Vivanco - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Certain Philosophical Questions: Newton's Trinity Notebook.J. E. Mcguire & Martin Tamny - 1986 - Philosophical Review 95 (1):102-105.
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    Remembering and imagining: The role of the self.Clare J. Rathbone, Martin A. Conway & Chris J. A. Moulin - 2011 - Consciousness and Cognition 20 (4):1175-1182.
    This study investigated whether temporal clustering of autobiographical memories around periods of self-development would also occur when imagining future events associated with the self. Participants completed an AM task and future thinking task. In both tasks, memories and future events were cued using participant-generated identity statements . Participants then dated their memories and future events, and finally gave an age at which each identity statement was judged to emerge. Dates of memories and future events were recoded as temporal distance from (...)
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    William of Ockham, Andrew of Neufchateau, and the Origins of Divine Command Theory.J. Caleb Clanton & Kraig Martin - 2020 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 94 (3):405-429.
    William of Ockham is often thought to be the medieval progenitor of divine command theory. This paper contends that the origin of a thoroughgoing and fully reductive DCT position is perhaps more appropriately laid at the feet of Andrew of Neufchateau. We begin with a brief recapitulation of an interpretive dispute surrounding Ockham in order to highlight how there is enough ambiguity in his work about the metaphysical foundations of morality to warrant suspicion about whether he actually stands at the (...)
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    New Challenges to Old Problems: Building Trust In E‐marketing.Tara J. Radin, Martin Calkins & Carolyn Predmore - 2007 - Business and Society Review 112 (1):73-98.
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    Leukippe as Tragedy.William J. Slater & Martin Cropp - 2009 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 153 (1):63-85.
    This article deals with a mosaic from ancient Zeugma on the Euphrates found in 2002 and recently published with interpretive commentary. Its subject is the story of Theonoe and Leukippe preserved only in Hyginus and nowhere in Greek. Despite this, the authors argue that the myth, in its unique form, can for over one thousand years be connected with romance, mime, pantomime, tragedy and derives ultimately from early Cretan rituals of transvestism. Its immediate inspiration however is imperial pantomime along with (...)
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    Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing for “Non-Medical” Traits: Ensuring Consistency in Ethical Decision-Making.Hilary Bowman-Smart, Christopher Gyngell, Cara Mand, David J. Amor, Martin B. Delatycki & Julian Savulescu - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (3):3-20.
    The scope of noninvasive prenatal testing (NIPT) could expand in the future to include detailed analysis of the fetal genome. This will allow for the testing for virtually any trait with a genetic contribution, including “non-medical” traits. Here we discuss the potential use of NIPT for these traits. We outline a scenario which highlights possible inconsistencies with ethical decision-making. We then discuss the case against permitting these uses. The objections include practical problems; increasing inequities; increasing the burden of choice; negative (...)
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    On Moral-Natural and Moral-Positive Duties: A Combination Metaethical Theory in the Restoration Tradition.J. Caleb Clanton & Kraig Martin - 2017 - Studies in Christian Ethics 30 (4):429-448.
    This article elucidates a unique metaethical theory implicit in the work of several thinkers associated with the Stone-Campbell Restoration Movement. After positioning that theory within a broader landscape of metaethical positions endorsed by several prominent contemporary Christian philosophers and theologians, we address the concern that, when attending to the Euthyphro dilemma, the Restoration-inspired combination metaethical theory inevitably collapses into either an unalloyed divine command theory or an unalloyed natural law theory. In explaining how this sort of worry can be mitigated, (...)
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    Der Patientenwille und seine (Re-)Konstruktion: Historische Genese, normative Relevanz und medizinethische Aktualität.Marko J. Fuchs, Martin Hähnel & Danaë Simmermacher (eds.) - 2023 - Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden.
    Dieser Band behandelt umfassend und systematisch die Frage des Patientenwillens: die historischen und philosophischen Grundlagen des Willensbegriffs, die Beziehung von Autonomie und Wille und praktische Fragen der Bioethik und des Biorechts. Die Herausgeber: PD Dr. Marko Fuchs lehrt Philosophie an der Universität Bamberg. Dr. Martin Hähnel lehrt Philosophie an der Universität Bremen und ist Koordinator des BMBF-Verbundvorhabens "Verantwortungsvoller Umgang mit Künstlicher Intelligenz in der Medizin" (VUKIM) Dr. Danaë Simmermacher lehrt Philosophie an der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg.
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    What do children know about the universal quantifiers all and each?Patricia J. Brooks & Martin D. S. Braine - 1996 - Cognition 60 (3):235-268.
    Children's comprehension of the universal quantifiers all and each was explored in a series of experiments using a picture selection task. The first experiment examined children's ability to restrict a quantifier to the noun phrase it modifies. The second and third experiments examined children's ability to associate collective, distributive, and exhaustive representations with sentences containing universal quantifiers. The collective representation corresponds to the "group" meaning (for All the flowers are in a vase all of the flowers are in the same (...)
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    God & morality in Christian traditions: new essays on Christian moral philosophy.J. Caleb Clanton & Kraig Martin (eds.) - 2022 - Abilene, Texas: Abilene Christian University Press.
    God and Morality in the Christian Tradition provides a scholarly overview from multiple contributors regarding questions of morality in regards to the Christian religious standpoint.
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    Transcending Boundaries in Philosophy and Theology: Reason, Meaning and Experience.Kevin J. Vanhoozer & Martin Warner - 2007 - Routledge.
    The aim of this book is to set a limit to thought, or rather - not to thought, but to the expression of thoughts: for in order to be able to set a limit to thought, we should have to find both sides of the limit thinkable.
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    Observation d'un cristal bidimensionnel de lignes de dislocation dans le chlorure de sodium.Par J. P. Poirier & G. Martin - 1973 - Philosophical Magazine 27 (6):1455-1460.
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    Aquinas and Scotus on the Metaphysical Foundations of Morality.J. Caleb Clanton & Kraig Martin - 2019 - Religions 10 (2).
    This paper retraces some of the contrast between Aquinas and Scotus with respect to the metaphysical foundations of morality in order to highlight how subtle differences pertaining to the relationship between the divine will and the divine intellect can tip a thinker toward either an unalloyed natural law theory (NLT) or something that at least starts to move in the direction of divine command theory (DCT). The paper opens with a brief consideration of three distinct elements in Aquinas’s work that (...)
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    Boekbesprekingen.Bart J. Koet, Martin Parmentier, Carlo Leget, J. Visser, K. W. Jager, Arie L. Molendijk, Arthur Cools, A. H. C. van Eijk, M. F. M. van den Berk, Paul Schotsmans & Walter Van Herck - 1999 - Bijdragen 60 (1):93-116.
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    Atlas of Mesopotamia.J. J. F., Martin A. Beek, D. R. Welsh & H. H. Rowley - 1964 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 84 (4):488.
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    Philosophy of Law.Gerald J. Postema & Martin P. Golding - 1977 - Philosophical Review 86 (3):388.
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    A non-Hamiltonian formulation of the Ising chain.J. -P. Marchand & P. A. Martin - 1974 - Foundations of Physics 4 (4):465-472.
    The Gibbs states of binary lattice systems can be characterized by their stability with respect to certain microscopic transitions which have a simple physical interpretation. A detailed analysis is provided for the case of a one-dimensional lattice gas with nearest-neighbor interactions.
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    Living bioethics, clinical ethics committees and children's consent to heart surgery.Priscilla Alderson, Deborah Bowman, Joe Brierley, Martin J. Elliott, Romana Kazmi, Rosa Mendizabal-Espinosa, Jonathan Montgomery, Katy Sutcliffe & Hugo Wellesley - 2022 - Clinical Ethics 17 (3):272-281.
    This discussion paper considers how seldom recognised theories influence clinical ethics committees. A companion paper examined four major theories in social science: positivism, interpretivism, critical theory and functionalism, which can encourage legalistic ethics theories or practical living bioethics, which aims for theory–practice congruence. This paper develops the legalistic or living bioethics themes by relating the four theories to clinical ethics committee members’ reported aims and practices and approaches towards efficiency, power, intimidation, justice, equality and children’s interests and rights. Different approaches (...)
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  43. The good & the right: a Christian introduction to moral philosophy.J. Caleb Clanton & Kraig Martin - 2025 - Abilene, Texas: Abilene Christian University Press.
    The Good and the Right is a Christian introduction to the major theories of ethics in the history of philosophy (e.g., relativism, egoism, utilitarianism, Kantian deontology, social contract theory, natural law theory, virtue theory, and divine command theory). Philosophers J. Caleb Clanton and Kraig Martin offer a lucid survey of each ethical framework, and they carefully reconstruct and critically evaluate the case for and against each view. Along the way, the authors engage with the presuppositions, affirmations, and implications of the (...)
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  44. The right to same-sex marriage: A critique of the leftist critique.David J. Mayo & Martin Gunderson - 2000 - Journal of Social Philosophy 31 (3):326–337.
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    Birdsong, Speech, and Language: Exploring the Evolution of Mind and Brain.Johan J. Bolhuis & Martin Everaert (eds.) - 2013 - MIT Press.
    Scholars have long been captivated by the parallels between birdsong and human speech and language. In this book, leading scholars draw on the latest research to explore what birdsong can tell us about the biology of human speech and language and the consequences for evolutionary biology. They examine the cognitive and neural similarities between birdsong learning and speech and language acquisition, considering vocal imitation, auditory learning, an early vocalization phase, the structural properties of birdsong and human language, and the striking (...)
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    Newton's Astronomical Apprenticeship: Notes of 1664/5.J. Mcguire, Martin Tamny & Isaac Newton - 1985 - Isis 76:349-365.
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    Reflection in business ethics: Insights from st. Ignatius' spiritual exercises. [REVIEW]Dennis J. Moberg & Martin Calkins - 2001 - Journal of Business Ethics 33 (3):257 - 270.
    We examine the Spiritual Exercises developed by St. Ignatius Loyola for the purpose of informing the structure of reflection as a tool in business ethics. At present, reflection in business is used to clarify moods, expectations, theories of use, and defining moments. We suggest here that Ignatius' Exercises, which focus on ends, engage the emotions and imagination, use role modeling, and require a response, might be useful as a model for reflection in business.
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  48. The Struggle Against Sweatshops: Moving Toward Responsible Global Business.Tara J. Radin & Martin Calkins - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 66 (2-3):261-272.
    Today's sweatshops violate our notions of justice, yet they continue to flourish. This is so because we have not settled on criteria that would allow us to condemn and do away with them and because the poor working conditions in certain places are preferable to the alternative of no job at all. In this paper, we examine these phenomena. We consider the definitional dilemmas posed by sweatshops by routing a standard definition of sweatshops through the precepts put forward in the (...)
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  49. Book reviews. [REVIEW]George J. Agich & Martin Schneider - 1990 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 11 (2).
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    Psychographic Profiling for Effective Health Behavior Change Interventions.Sarah J. Hardcastle & Martin S. Hagger - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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